The task from Manpower was to see how we could link candidates who could not refer to any education or job experience, with their candidate programs. Their motivation was to help young people into work and be the preferred place to go if you needed help getting into the job market among this group.
Our insight was based on the fact that the largest group of young people who had not completed their education and who were also out of work were young boys and men. With a lot of free time and lack of mastery, many of these applied to an arena where they could be equal, where they could master and achieve something - namely gaming.
Something we also saw was that the knowledge and skills you gain through gaming can be translated into valuable assets for working life.
This be technical understanding, IT, communication, strategy etc.
So our idea was simple: Add your gaming experience to your CV.
What if we transform those who previously had nothing to refer to and convert them into candidates who had a set of special and unique skills.
With this campaign, Manpower had to restructure the whole way of thinking when looking for new candidates. They had to learn to look beyond a school diploma and rather look at how good you are at World of Warcraft or Call of Duty and convert it into relevant knowledge towards various job opportunities.
Manpower reviewed and analyzed more than 11,000 games across 13 generes to identify the top soft skills developed in each gaming category and then mapped gaming skills to work skilles.
What started in Norway has now successfully spread to more countrys as France, Sweden, UK, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Finland, Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Belgium. Additional countries are expected to launch in 2021.
Manpower Global is now looking at ways they can implement this to all countries around the world.The Game to Work campaign has already yielded over 24,000 Skills Translator assessment completions by candidates.
For the visuals, a gaming character was paired with a job assignment relevant to what the character does in their games. Each of the jobs also reflects the occupations Manpower delivers candidates to most often.
copywriter: Marius Hanstad.
Art Director: Mads Bergstrøm.
Client Management: Runar Wiksnes.
Client Executive: Margrethe Geelmuyden.
Motion: Per Øyvind Smebye Weum.
Illustration: Nikolai Lockertsen.