In 2022, we received a brief from Norsk Tipping to create a new communication concept for the Flax brand. They faced a challenge in promoting gambling due to an ongoing legal dispute between the gambling industry and Norwegian authorities. Consequently, the concept couldn't heavily emphasize prizes, rewards, or extravagant use of money.
We believed that the Flax brand itself, along with its logo, was so strong that it could almost stand alone. Therefore, the concept revolved around incorporating the Flax logo into the message, with the narrative focusing on the joy of winning and how it could be shared with others.
We were also tasked with creating a Christmas film based on the same concept, which you can watch below.​​​​​​​
Team: Mads bergstrøm & Marius Hanstad. Robert Radoli & Thorbjørn Ruud.  Kundeansvarlig: Monika Augustsson. Prosjektleder: Emma Gyllenbreider 

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